Entendemos por Metacognición la capacidad que tenemos de autoregular el propio aprendizaje, es decir de planificar qué estrategias se han de utilizar en cada situación, aplicarlas, controlar el proceso, evaluarlo para detectar posibles fallos, y como consecuencia... transferir todo ello a una nueva actuación.

Fostering Communities of Learners (FCL) was designed by Brown and Campione to promote high levels of cognition and metacognition. It was designed as a tool to be used to encourage students to work together in the midst of content rich disciplines such as reading and writing.

Cognitive Objectives:

  • For students to become active constructors of knowledge.
  • Development of deep understanding.
  • Development of ability to apply learning.
  • Development of cognitive strategies:
  1. For them to think deeply
  2. Think critically
  3. Development of metacognition: including reflection on knowledge
  • To create a higher literacy: move beyond decoding text to comprehend, make predictions, summarize and seek clarification. ( for this step the class discussion connected to Vygotsky with the emphasis on the social role in learning,enculturation, apprenticeship models of instruction i.e. the master scaffolds the progression.)

Affective/Motivational Objectives:

  • Foster interest; intrinsic motivation.
Epistemological Objectives:

  • Develop people who can create knowledge; help them to develop the belief they can create knowledge.

Social Objectives:

  • Ability to collaborate and communicate.

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